
Fort Jesus

Fort Jesus is the most popular destination in Mombasa. Fort Jesus holds artifacts from when Mombasa was a transit port for the slave trade. There are torture rooms, cells, and many other displays from the 16th century. The attraction is open from the morning until 5:20pm.

Hindu Temples

Attributes to Mombasa cultural diversity. Tourist/visitors are able to go inside the Temple accompanied by a guide from the Temple. Inside you will be able to see artifacts, idols and cultural pictures/paintings.

Mombasa Tusks

The tusks were built in 1952 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's visit to Mombasa town. They are located at the entrance to the city, they are not made of Ivory as is sometimes thought, but in steel. An interesting thing to note is that the tusks also immulate a M for Mombasa!

Bombolulu Workshops

Bombolulu Workshops was founded in 1969 and is a project of the Association for the Physically Disabled in Kenya APDK. This center is a popular attraction for tourists and has 150 disabled employees who create jewelry, textiles, wood and leather crafts. It is the largest rehabilitation center in Kenya.